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Vatican: Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the Pontificium Consilium Pro Familia


"In view of the serious ethical dilemma that the embryonic stem cell research has provoked in the medical and health fields, I am very glad to hear of your courageous decision to promote a promising area of research which has not only demonstrated a more ethical approach but also a scientifically-proven superiority of results in the treatment of many diseases as compared with embryonic stem cell research approach."

 ~Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, President of the Pontificium Consilium Pro Familia to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Vatican: Eminence Javier Cardinal Lozano Barragan, President of the Pontificio Consiglio Per La Pastorale Della Salute


"The Institute has taken on a prestigious name and we hope and pray that it will help bring together efforts that promote research, which is in full respect of and at the service of human life and dignity."

 ~Eminence Javier Cardinal Lozano Barragan, President of the Pontificio Consiglio Per La Pastorale Della Salute to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Vatican: Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, Cardinal of Galveston-Houston, Texas,

Most Reverend R. Walker Nickless - Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa


"It is a blessing for me to support the efforts of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute and your work to find cures and therapies exclusively using adult stem cells with an emphasis on sound moral teaching..." 

 ~Reverend R. Walker Nickless - Bishop of Sioux City, Iowa to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Most Reverend Richard E. Pates - Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa


"I look forward to following your work. Adult stem cell research is supported by the Church because of the great potential to find cures to end needless suffering with no ethical concerns..." 

 ~Reverend Richard E. Pates - Bishop of Des Moines, Iowa to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Most Reverend Martin Amos - Retired Bishop of Davenport, Iowa


"I am pleased that your mission is to advance adult stem cell research that is consistent with the dignity of human life and that your plans include training the next generation of scientists in bioethics..."

 ~Reverend Martin Amos - Retired Bishop of Davenport, Iowa to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Most Reverend Jerome Hanus, O.S.B. - Former Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa


"I commend your attempt to develop stem cell cures and therapies in an ethically appropriate way by engaging in adult stem cell research exclusively, and your commitment to a prolife ethics..." 

 ~Reverend Jerome Hanus, O.S.B. - Former Archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa to the John Paul II Medical Research Institute.


Iowa Knights of Columbus


Iowa Catholic Conference


Iowa Department of Economic Authority


Iowa Biotechnology Association


Batelle Memorial Institute 2011 report on Iowa Biotechnology Proirities


US Catholic Conference Committee of Pro-Life Activities (Supportive Recognition)


Do No Harm

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