The Unraveling of COVID Gene Therapy Vaccination Plan
July 3, 2021, America Out Loud with Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet (DrLee4America)
Is the whole gene therapy "vaccination" push unraveling as Americans become increasingly suspicious of the dangers they are not being told? Dr. Alan Moy and Dr. Delwin Williams expose the many levels of information about the gene therapy experimental COVID shots that are being withheld from the American public in the face of skyrocketing deaths and serious vaccine injuries. Our guest experts discuss natural immunity and why it is superior to immunity from vaccines, talk about the risks of the gene therapy shots, especially for young people, and ways to prevent COVID other than vaccines.
We are urging people to speak out against the mandates and government push to turn houses of worship into vaccination centers under the guise of "moral responsibility – do it for others" – based on false information and deception.
Alan Moy, MD, Catholic physician-scientist, vaccine researcher, pulmonologist specializing in acute lung injury and vascular damage; founder of the John Paul II Medical Research Institute (non-profit) and Cellular Engineering Technologies (biotech vaccine development company).
Delwin Williams, MD, Christian physician, specializing in community psychiatry and advocate against mandatory vaccination in the Black community, especially the push for vaccine centers in Black churches. He is working in psychiatric emergency services and is an assistant professor of psychiatry at TCU-UNT medical school in Ft. Worth, TX, where he sees patients and trains medical students and psychiatric residents.
To listen to the podcast interview, click here.